110 research outputs found

    Electron--Electron Scattering in Quantum Wires and it's Possible Suppression due to Spin Effects

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    A microscopic picture of electron-electron pair scattering in single mode quantum wires is introduced which includes electron spin. A new source of `excess' noise for hot carriers is presented. We show that zero magnetic field `spin' splitting in quantum wires can lead to a dramatic `spin'-subband dependence of electron--electron scattering, including the possibility of strong suppression. As a consequence extremely long electron coherence lengths and new spin-related phenomena are predicted. Since electron bands in III-V semiconductor quantum wires are in general spin-split in zero applied magnetic field, these new transport effects are of general importance.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX and APS-RevteX 2, Rep.No. GF66,Figures from author, Physical Review Letters, scheduled for 7 June 199

    Zero-field spin splitting in InAs-AlSb quantum wells revisited

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    We present magnetotransport experiments on high-quality InAs-AlSb quantum wells that show a perfectly clean single-period Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation down to very low magnetic fields. In contrast to theoretical expectations based on an asymmetry induced zero-field spin splitting, no beating effect is observed. The carrier density has been changed by the persistent photo conductivity effect as well as via the application of hydrostatic pressure in order to influence the electric field at the interface of the electron gas. Still no indication of spin splitting at zero magnetic field was observed in spite of highly resolved Shubnikov- de Haas oscillations up to filling factors of 200. This surprising and unexpected result is discussed in view of other recently published data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Conduction band spin splitting and negative magnetoresistance in A3B5{\rm A}_3{\rm B}_5 heterostructures

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    The quantum interference corrections to the conductivity are calculated for an electron gas in asymmetric quantum wells in a magnetic field. The theory takes into account two different types of the spin splitting of the conduction band: the Dresselhaus terms, both linear and cubic in the wave vector, and the Rashba term, linear in wave vector. It is shown that the contributions of these terms into magnetoconductivity are not additive, as it was traditionally assumed. While the contributions of all terms of the conduction band splitting into the D'yakonov--Perel' spin relaxation rate are additive, in the conductivity the two linear terms cancel each other, and, when they are equal, in the absence of the cubic terms the conduction band spin splitting does not show up in the magnetoconductivity at all. The theory agrees very well with experimental results and enables one to determine experimentally parameters of the spin-orbit splitting of the conduction band.Comment: 8 pages, RevTeX, 4 Postscript figure

    Gate-Controlled Electron Spin Resonance in a GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructure

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    The electron spin resonance (ESR) of two-dimensional electrons is investigated in a gated GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. We found that the ESR resonance frequency can be turned by means of a gate voltage. The front and back gates of the heterostructure produce opposite g-factor shift, suggesting that electron g-factor is being electrostatically controlled by shifting the equilibrium position of the electron wave function from one epitaxial layer to another with different g-factors

    Anisotropic transport in the two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of spin-orbit coupling

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    In a two-dimensional electron gas as realized by a semiconductor quantum well, the presence of spin-orbit coupling of both the Rashba and Dresselhaus type leads to anisotropic dispersion relations and Fermi contours. We study the effect of this anisotropy on the electrical conductivity in the presence of fixed impurity scatterers. The conductivity also shows in general an anisotropy which can be tuned by varying the Rashba coefficient. This effect provides a method of detecting and investigating spin-orbit coupling by measuring spin-unpolarized electrical currents in the diffusive regime. Our approach is based on an exact solution of the two-dimensional Boltzmann equation and provides also a natural framework for investigating other transport effects including the anomalous Hall effect.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure included. Discussion of experimental impact enlarged; error in calculation of conductivity contribution corrected (cf. Eq. (A14)), no changes in qualitative results and physical consequence

    Dissipation effects in spin-Hall transport of electrons and holes

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    We investigate the spin-Hall effect of both electrons and holes in semiconductors using the Kubo formula in the correct zero-frequency limit taking into account the finite momentum relaxation time of carriers in real semiconductors. This approach allows to analyze the range of validity of recent theoretical findings. In particular, the spin-Hall conductivity vanishes for vanishing spin-orbit coupling if the correct zero-frequency limit is performed.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Filtering spin with tunnel-coupled electron wave guides

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    We show how momentum-resolved tunneling between parallel electron wave guides can be used to observe and exploit lifting of spin degeneracy due to Rashba spin-orbit coupling. A device is proposed that achieves spin filtering without using ferromagnets or the Zeeman effect.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTex

    Topological defects and Goldstone excitations in domain walls between ferromagnetic quantum Hall effect liquids

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    It is shown that the low-energy spectrum of a ferromagnetic quantum Hall effect liquid in a system with a multi-domain structure generated by an inhomogeneous bare Zeeman splitting ϔZ\epsilon_{Z} is formed by excitations localized at the walls between domains. For a step-like ϔZ(r)\epsilon_Z(r), the domain wall spectrum includes a spin-wave with a linear dispersion and a small gap due to spin-orbit coupling, and a low-energy topological defects. The latter are charged and may dominate in the transport under conditions that the percolation through the network of domain walls is provided.Comment: 4 pages, 1 fi

    Spin Accumulation in Quantum Wires with Strong Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling

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    We present analytical and numerical results for the effect of Rashba spin-orbit coupling on band structure, transport, and interaction effects in quantum wires when the spin precession length is comparable to the wire width. In contrast to the weak-coupling case, no common spin-quantization axis can be defined for eigenstates within a single-electron band. The situation with only the lowest spin-split subbands occupied is particularly interesting because electrons close to Fermi points of the same chirality can have approximately parallel spins. We discuss consequences for spin-dependent transport and effective Tomonaga-Luttinger descriptions of interactions in the quantum wire.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, expanded discussion of spin accumulatio

    Spin-orbit coupling effect on quantum Hall ferromagnets with vanishing Zeeman energy

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    We present the phase diagram of a ferromagnetic quantum Hall effect liquid in a narrow quantum well with vanishing single-particle Zeeman splitting, ϔZ\epsilon_{{\rm Z}} and pronounced spin-orbit coupling. Upon decreasing ϔZ\epsilon_{{\rm Z}}, the spin-polarization field of a liquid takes, first, the easy-axis configuration, followed by the formation of a helical state, which affects the transport and NMR properties of a liquid and the form of topological defects in it. The analysis is extended over high odd integer filling factors.Comment: This revised version takes into account easy-axis terms in the energy and offers a corrected phase diagram of the ferromagnetic QHE liquid. Analysis is extended over higher filling factor
